

  • Our membership year is April 1 to March 31.
  • A membership is completed only when both the form and payment are received.
  • New members joining on or after October 1 are members for the balance of the current year and all of the following year.
  • Individual membership fee = $35 per year.
  • No membership fees will be charged for minor children attending Club events under the care of an adult Member.


  • Boathouse fee = $96 per year, due March 31 each year.
  • Key Deposit = $40 one time. Refundable when the key is returned.
  • Locker = $25 per year, due when locker is assigned.


  • Fee for clinics or personal instruction – $20 per person, paid directly to the instructor (not e-Transfer).

Boat Rentals

  • Fee for boat rental (on a club trip only) – $20 per day.

Payment options

You may send your payment either by e-Transfer (preferred!) or by cheque.

E-transfer instructions

  • Logon to your bank that you wish to send the funds from.
  • Set up an Interac e-Transfer recipient. If you are not sure how to do this, please contact your bank’s technical support team.
  • Name the recipient – Cataraqui Canoe Club
  • Contact Method – email. In the email address field type in treasurer@cataraquicanoe.ca. Please make sure that this is accurate or we will not get your payment.
  • When sending funds, please include in the Message Box what the e-Transfer is for, i.e. Individual or Boat Storage etc.
  • This account is set up for auto-deposit. Your bank will email you a confirmation of the receipt. We recommend you keep this email for your records.


Please make your cheque payable to ‘Cataraqui Canoe Club’, and mail it to:

Cataraqui Canoe Club
Box 1882, Kingston ON
K7L 5J7