CCC Membership Application

Please use this online application form whenever possible.
Renewing members must complete this form annually.
Note that various fields will appear depending on your selections.
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Be sure to click “Send” at the bottom of the form!
If you change your email address or other contact details mid year,  please notify the membership secretary at

Note that we will add your email to our distribution list for newsletters and other occasional correspondence.
You may unsubscribe at any time.

CCC Membership Application Form

Emergency Contact

Please provide an emergency contact name and phone number – just in case.

Do you currently rent space in the boathouse?

Do you plan to bring minors to a CCC event?

This includes the open paddles from the boathouse and any club trip or event. A ‘minor’ is a person less than 18 years old.


This is a 100% volunteer run organization. Can you help?

Waiver of Claims

The following Waiver of Claims is mandated by ORCKA and is required to be signed by each member in order for the CCC to obtain liability insurance.

Please click here to read it. Then return to this page and check the ‘I Agree’ box below.

I have read and agree to be bound by the ORCKA Waiver of Claims document.


Tell us anything you want!

Thank you … and click Send below!