Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, October 10, 1995
PRESENT: Rick Kirk, Margaret Milne, Judy Skeggs, Robert Fydell, lan Nicholls, Monica Ishihara, Jeannette Woodman, Jim Lendvay, Harry Burgstaller, Fred Johnston, Mark Levison, Albert Angenent, Paula Stevens, Tom Newton, Ted Pope, Ed Jezak, Graham Wallace and Edwin Whitford.
The meeting was held at the Delahaye Room, Kingston Public Library, Kingston. The commodore, Margaret Milne, called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Approval of agenda
“Moved that the agenda as published be approved”
Proposed by Monica Ishihara. Seconded by Rick Kirk. CARRIED
Minutes of the last General Meeting
The minutes of last year’s AGM were distributed and the members given an opportunity to read them.
“Moved that the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held October 3, 1994 be accepted as published.”
Proposed by Harry Burgstaller. Seconded by Judy Skeggs. CARRIED
Treasurer’s report
In her report, the treasurer, Jeannette Woodman, referred members to the financial statement published in the club newsletter. She volunteered to answer questions from members about our finances. At present, the club has $6395 on deposit.
Sprint Racing
Alan Nicholls spoke about the progress made during the 1995 season, and referred to the report included in the recent newsletter. He repeated an invitation for any member who knows of potential racers, particularly young persons, to get in touch early next year.
Fred Johnston reported on the Separate School Regatta (known as the Great Canadian Canoe Race), which was run for the fourth time this year.
Special events
Rick Kirk reported about the Canoe Event and Sale arranged by the Algonquin Canoe Store with the co-operation of the club. This event attracted several new members to the demonstrations. We were given a Royalex canoe for our help. This will be used on our whitewater trips.
Commodore’s report
The commodore, Margaret Milne, reported on club activities during the past year. She paid tribute to Fred Johnston, retiring from the board, for his services to the club over the past 25 years.
Ratification motion
“Moved that this membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the board of directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the club during their term of office which expires October 10 1995.”
Proposed by Alan Nicholls. Seconded by Fred Johnston. CARRIED
Appointment of officers and other members of the board of directors
Judy Skeggs, on behalf of the nominating committee, nominated the following persons for the coming year, with the term of office starting with the close of this meeting.
Commodore – Margaret Milne
Vice-Commodore – Judy Skeggs
Secretary – Alan Nicholls
Treasurer – Jeannette Woodman
Past Commodore – Ed Jezak
Other board members: Robert Fydell, Rick Kirk, Ted Pope, Robert Tolley and Peter Wagner
As no further nominations were made either before this meeting or from the floor, no election was needed. The persons nominated were therefore declared to be appointed by acclamation.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Monday, October 21, 1996
This meeting was held at the Delahaye Room, Kingston Public Library, Kingston, with the retiring commodore, Margaret Milne in the chair. It was attended by 38 members. In addition, eight members were represented by proxy. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m.
“That the agenda as published be approved.”
Moved by Bernard Léger. Seconded by Virginia Steele. CARRIED
Minutes of last General Meeting
“That the minutes published of the Annual General meeting held on October 10 1995 be approved.”
Moved by Larry Jenkins. Seconded by Mark Hughes. CARRIED
Committee reports
The treasurer and the chairpersons of the flatwater racing, whitewater, and recreational canoeing committees each presented brief reports to the membership.
Commodore’s report
In Margaret Milne’s report, she touched on the growth and activities over the previous year.
Club membership has shown a continued increase over the past couple of years, accompanied by an increase in club activities. We owe thanks to the Kingston Rowing Club who were generous in helping arrange a bingo for the club at which over $2000 was realized.
In addition to its internal activities, the club has taken part in various community efforts — giving support to the Waterfront Trail organization, giving a donation towards the Southeastern Ontario Rails to Trails Coalition. In addition, two club members, Rick Kirk and John Lund have helped re-survey local canoe routes on behalf of the local conservation authority.
Membership fees
At the last board meeting, after considering the increase of costs for such things as postage, insurance, printing and utilities, the board recommended an increase of fees to avoid financial problems over the next year or two. This would be the first increase in nearly ten years. The change would require the approval of the membership at this meeting.
“That the membership approves increasing the annual fees for each club membership by $5.00, starting April 1 1997. The annual fee for a single membership shall be $35.00, and a family membership 60.00.”
Moved by Judy Skeggs. Seconded by Beth Orr. CARRIED
Ratification motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the board of directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the club during their term of office which expires October 21 1996.”
Moved by Alan Nicholls, seconded by Mark Hughes. CARRIED
Appointment of board
A slate of officers and other board members was nominated in the report of the nominating committee and from the floor. Each of the positions was returned by acclamation, with the exception of the five Other Board Members, for whom six nominations were made for the five positions available. After an election by secret ballot, the following persons were declared to be members of the board for the coming year:
Commodore Rick Kirk
Vice Commodore – Ed Jezak
Secretary – Alan Nicholls
Treasurer – Bernard Léger
Past Commodore (non-elective position) – Margaret Milne
Other board members: Gary Birrell, Don Harris, Beth Orr, Regine Smith and Bob Tolley
The members of this board would take up their duties immediately.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, October 22, 1997
This meeting was held at the Delahaye Room, Kingston Public Library, Kingston, with the vice-commodore, Ed Jezak in the chair. It was attended by 37 members. In addition, seven members were represented by proxy. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes of last General Meeting
“That the minutes published of the Annual General meeting held on
October 21 1996 be approved.”
Moved by Ken Pearce. Seconded by Don Harris. CARRIED
Committee reports and commodore’s report
The following officers and chairpersons of subcommittees presented brief reports:
Ted Pope – Flatwater racing committee
Bernard Léger – Treasurer
Bob Tolley – Boathouse manager
Margaret Milne – Recreational touring
Beth Orr – Advertising committee
The commodore was not able to attend the meeting. His report was read by Ed Jezak.
Ratification motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the board of directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the club during their term of office which expires October 22 1997.”
Moved by Alan Nicholls, seconded by Virginia Steele. CARRIED
Appointment of board
A slate of officers and other board members was nominated in the report of the nominating committee and from the floor. Each of the officers’ positions was returned by acclamation. For the Other Board Members, seven nominations were made for the five positions available. After an election by secret ballot, the following persons were declared to be members of the board for the coming year:
Commodore – Gary Birrell
Vice Commodore – Margaret Milne
Secretary – Alan Nicholls
Treasurer – Ed Jezak
Past Commodore (non-elective position) – Rick Kirk
Other board members: Don Harris, Barry Irish, Bernard Léger, Beth Orr and Bob Tolley
The members of this board would take up their duties immediately.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Thursday, October 22, 1998
This meeting was held at the Delahaye Room, Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Kingston, with the commodore, Gary Birrell, in the chair.
The meeting was attended by 42 members, with seven additional members represented by proxy. It was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes of last General Meeting
“That the minutes published of the Annual General meeting held on October 22 1997 be approved.”
Proposed by Barry Irish. Seconded by Leslie Niall. CARRIED
Committee reports and commodore’s report
The following officers and chairpersons of subcommittees presented brief reports:
Ed Jezak – Treasurer
Bernard Léger – Whitewater
Bob Tolley – Boathouse manager
Bill Shepherd – Flatwater racing committee
Margaret Milne – Recreational touring
The commodore, Gary Birrell, gave a report about the operation of the club during the year.
Ratification motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the board of directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the club during their term of office which expires October 22 1998.”
Proposed by Alan Nicholls. Seconded by Barry Irish. CARRIED
Appointment of board
A slate of officers and other board members was nominated in the report of the nominating committee and from the floor. Each of the positions was returned by acclamation.
The following persons were declared to be members of the board for the coming year:
Commodore – Gary Birrell
Vice Commodore – Margaret Milne
Secretary – Alan Nicholls
Treasurer – Ed Jezak
Past Commodore (non-elective position) – Rick Kirk
Other board members: Amanda Gray, Don Harris, Barry Irish, Bill Shepherd and Bob Tolley
The members of this board would take up their duties immediately.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Monday, October 25, 1999
This meeting was held at the Delahaye Room, Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Johnson Street, Kingston, with the commodore, Gary Birrell, in the chair.
At 7:15 p.m., after being notified that a quorum was in attendance, the commodore called the meeting to order.
Minutes of last General Meeting
“That the minutes published of the Annual General meeting held on October 22 1998 be approved.”
Proposed by Barry Irish. Seconded by Leslie Niall. CARRIED
Committee reports and commodore’s report
The following officers and chairpersons of subcommittees presented brief reports:
Ed Jezak – Treasurer
Bernard Léger – Whitewater
Margaret Milne, for Bob Tolley – Boathouse manager
Bill Shepherd – Flatwater racing committee
Margaret Milne – Recreational touring
Barry Irish – Special events
The commodore, Gary Birrell, gave a report about the operation of the club during the year.
Ratification motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the board of directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the club during their term of office which expires October 25 1999.”
Proposed by Alan Nicholls. Seconded by Barry Irish. CARRIED
Appointment of board
A slate of officers and other board members was nominated in a report of the nominating committee and from the floor. Each of the officers nominated was returned by acclamation. Six persons were nominated for the five vacancies of members-at-large, requiring an election. After this election by secret ballot, the following were declared to be members of the board for the coming year:
Commodore – Barry Irish
Vice Commodore – Margaret Milne
Secretary – Alan Nicholls
Treasurer – Ed Jezak
Past Commodore (non-elective position) – Gary Birrell
Other board members: – Peter Kopp, Alastair Lamb, Grant Sutherland, Linda Tucker and Dukke van der Werf
The members of this board would take up their duties immediately.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Monday, October 30, 2000
This meeting was held at the Delahaye Room, Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Johnson Street, Kingston, with the commodore, Barry Irish in the chair. The meeting was attended by 50 voting members, with a further 28 represented by proxy.
The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m.
Approval of agenda
“That the agenda, as amended, be approved.”
Proposed by Alan Nicholls. Seconded by Dukke van der Werf. CARRIED
Minutes of last General Meeting
“That the minutes published of the Annual General meeting held October 25 1999 be approved.”
Proposed by Alan Nicholls. Seconded by Debbie Twiddy. CARRIED
Committee reports and commodore’s report
The following officers and chairpersons of subcommittees presented brief reports:
Ed Jezak – Treasurer
Alastair Lamb — Flatwater racing
Bob Tolley – Boathouse manager
Peter Kopp — Advertising
Margaret Wild – Recreational touring
Alan Nicholls — Membership
Ed Jezak – Whitewater
The commodore, Barry Irish, gave his report about the operation of the club during the year.
Recommendations about sprint racing program
On June 28 2000, the board passed a resolution that the club would not administer the sprint racing program at Sydenham Lake beyond the 2000 season and encouraged the formation of a separate club.
Members attending an information meeting held October 23 2000, chaired by Bob Bloom, selected an ad hoc committee to make recommendations to the membership at the annual general meeting. Their report was posted on the club’s website and circulated at the AGM. The two co-signers of the report moved a motion that the recommendations in the report be accepted.
Four separate amendments were proposed. Three of these amendments were passed:
1. to change the wording about interest-free loans to read “consider” instead of “look favourably”,
2. to add a paragraph to the agreement to cover the possible dissolution of the new club within five years, and
3. to clarify that the only kayaks to be transferred would be racing kayaks.
The fourth amendment, to have the war canoe shared between the two clubs, was not passed.
The motion, as amended, that was passed (with emphasis added for clarification) reads:
“Be it resolved that if the current Sydenham sprint racing group
1. Incorporates as a separate non-profit, not-charitable organization,
2. Provides the treasurer of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston with a financial statement which identifies their current financial position,
3. Wraps-up business as a member group of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston,
4. Pays back to the treasurer of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston by cheque or draft any account surplus funds identified, and
5. Closes all bank accounts opened in the name of the Cataraqui Canoe Club,
the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston agrees to
1. Transfer the following assets to the new incorporated club:
– War canoe,
– Racing canoes and racing kayaks owned by Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston with the exception of the two “Museum Pieces” which will be donated to an interested museum,
– Trailer used to transport racing boats,
– Two rescue boats with engines, tanks etc.,
– Racing canoe paddles, Racing kayak paddles as currently divided,
– Life jackets and belts as commonly used by the racing participants and
– Racing buns
2. Grant the new club a one-time start-up grant of $5,000 to assist in the cost of incorporation and the building of a boat storage facility at Sydenham Lake,
3. Transfer, in the form of a grant to the new club, any identified account surplus from the bank accounts currently maintained by the racing group and
4. Consider any request for an interest-free loan for one year, that may be required to support the operations of the new club during the 2001 season.
This agreement shall be with the understanding that
1. Assets of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston would be transferred only to an incorporated club,
2. The transfer of assets would be accomplished by a signed letter of understanding between the two clubs, and
3. If the new club in Sydenham ceases operation within five years, any physical assets transferred under this agreement shall be returned to the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston.”
This motion, as amended, was proposed by Rick Kirk and seconded by Mark Segsworth. CARRIED
Ratification motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the board of directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the club during their term of office which expires October 30 2000.”
Proposed by Alan Nicholls. Seconded by Barry Irish. CARRIED
Appointment of board
A slate of officers and other board members was proposed in a report of the nominating committee. In this report, six persons were nominated for the five vacancies for other board members, one of whom withdrew. As there were no further nominations, all of those remaining on the list of nominations were declared appointed by acclamation. The following were declared to be members of the board for the coming year:
Commodore – Barry Irish
Vice Commodore – Margaret Wild
Secretary – Alan Nicholls
Treasurer – Ed Jezak
Past Commodore – Gary Birrell (non-elective position)
Other board members: – David Forkes, Peter Kopp, Ken Pearce, Linda Tucker, and Dukke van der Werf
The members of this board would take up their duties immediately.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Monday, October 15, 2001
This meeting was held at the Delahaye Room, Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Johnson Street, Kingston, with the commodore, Barry Irish in the chair. The meeting was attended by 36 voting members with a further six represented by proxy.
Minutes of last General Meeting
“That the minutes published of the Annual General meeting held October 30 2000 be approved.”
Proposed by Alan Nicholls. Seconded by Robert Dennis. CARRIED
Committee reports and commodore’s report
The following officers and chairpersons of subcommittees presented brief reports:
Ed Jezak – Treasurer
Margaret Wild – Recreational touring
Bob Tolley – Boathouse manager
Peter Kopp – Advertising
Ed Jezak – Whitewater
In his report as Treasurer, Ed Jezak stated that Jeannette Woodman, a club member and a former Treasurer of the club had agreed to review the club accounts as required by our by-laws. She presented a statement which reads: “I have examined the financial records of the Cataraqui Canoe Club for the year April 1 2000 to March 31 2001 and find everything to be in order. I agree with the financial statement as presented by the Treasurer in his report.”
The commodore, Barry Irish, gave his report about the operation of the club during the year.
Ratification motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the board of directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the clubduring their term of office which expires October 15 2001.”
Proposed by Alan Nicholls. Seconded by Bernard Léger. CARRIED
Appointment of board
A slate of officers and other board members was proposed in a report of the nominating committee. The report was presented by Ken Pearce. As there were no further nominations, all of those on the list of nominations were declared appointed by acclamation.
The following were declared to be members of the board for the coming year:
Commodore – Margaret Wild
Vice Commodore – Ken Pearce
Secretary – Alan Nicholls
Treasurer – Ed Jezak
Past Commodore – Barry Irish (non-elective position
Other board members: – David Forkes, Peter Kopp, Wendy Lloyd,
Dukke van der Werf and Ray Wilson.
The members of this board would take up their duties immediately.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Monday, October 7, 2002
This meeting was held at the Delahaye Room, Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Johnson Street, Kingston, with the commodore, Margaret Wild in the chair. The meeting began after the required quorum of 59 members (including those represented by proxy) were in attendance.
The meeting was called to order at 7:13 p.m.
Approval of agenda
“That the agenda as published be approved.”
Proposed by Ed Jezak. Seconded by Don Harris. CARRIED
Minutes of last General Meeting
“That the minutes of the Annual General meeting held October 15 2001, as published and read, be approved.”
Proposed by Alan Nicholls. Seconded by Barry Irish. CARRIED
Committee reports and commodore’s report
The following officers and chairpersons of subcommittees presented brief reports:
Treasurer – Ed Jezak
Courses and clinics – Barry Irish
Recreational tripping – Dukke van der Werf
Advertising – Peter Kopp
Whitewater – Ed Jezak and Dugald Carmichael
Boathouse manager – Margaret Wild for Bob Tolley
The Treasurer, Ed Jezak, presented his written financial report to the meeting and explained the various items. He also read the report from Jeannette Woodman, a club member and a former Treasurer of the club had agreed to review the club accounts as required by our by-laws. She had examined the financial records of the club for the period April 1 2001 to March 31 2002 and find everything to be in order.
In her report as Commodore, Margaret Wild gave an overview of the club’s activities for the year. Although it seemed probable that when the flatwater racing group formed the Sydenham Lake Canoe Club we would suffer a drop in membership and resources. In fact, no such drop occurred. During the two years our membership increased by 22%. The Kingston Rowing Club has approached us about a joint proposal to build a club house for both clubs on top of the existing boathouse
Motion to amend the club’s bylaw
Alan Nicholls spoke to introduce and support the motion for which notice had been sent to the membership more than two weeks before the meeting. The motion to change some parts of the club’s constitution had been reviewed with board members over the previous months before presentation to the membership.
“That the proposed amendments to the club by-law as circulated to the membership in September 2002 be approved.”
Proposed by Alan Nicholls. Seconded by Don Harris.
During the discussion the following amendment to the motion was proposed.
“That the quorum for both Annual General and Special General meetings be set at ten percent of the membership eligible to vote.” Proposed by Barry Irish. Seconded by Don Harris. CARRIED
As there were no further amendments proposed, the original motion, as amended, was put to the vote and PASSED with over two thirds of the votes cast.
Ratification motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the board of directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the club during their term of office which expires October 7 2002.”
Proposed by Alan Nicholls. Seconded by Ed Jezak. CARRIED
Appointment of board
A slate of officers and other board members was proposed in the report of the Nominating Committee presented by Barry Irish. As there were no further nominations, either before the meeting or from the floor, those nominated in the report were declared appointed by acclamation.
The following were declared to be members of the board for the coming year:
Commodore – Margaret Wild
Vice Commodore – Dukke van der Werf
Secretary – Wendy Lloyd
Treasurer – Ed Jezak
Past Commodore (non-elective position) – Barry Irish
Other Board Members – Dugald Carmichael, David Ferguson, Charles Hannan, Mark Hughes and Peter Kopps.
The members of the board would take up their duties immediately.
The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, October 7, 2003
This meeting was held in the Delahaye Room, Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Johnson Street, Kingston with the Commodore, Margaret Wild in the chair. The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m., with 52 members in attendance.
Approval of agenda
“That the agenda, with the addition of Ratification Motion, be approved.”
Proposed by David Ferguson, seconded by Dugald Carmichael. Carried
Minutes of last General Meeting
“That the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on October 7, 2002, as published and read be approved.”
Proposed by Charles Hannan, seconded by Kimberley Barker. Carried
Committee reports and Commodore’s report
The following officers presented brief reports:
Treasurer – Ed Jezak
Courses and clinics – Barry Irish
Recreational tripping – Dukke van der Werf
Advertising – Margaret Wild, for Peter Kopp
Whitewater – Ed Jezak
Boathouse manager – Bob Tolley
The Treasurer, Ed Jezak, presented his written financial report to the meeting and explained the various items. He also advised that Jeannette Woodman, a club member and a former Treasurer of the club had agreed to review the Club accounts as required by our by-laws. She had examined the financial records of the Club for the period April 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003 and found everything to be in order.
“That the financial report be accepted.”
Proposed by Ed Jezak, seconded by Harry Burgstaller. Carried
In her report as Commodore, Margaret Wild gave an overview of the past year. At last year’s AGM, members approved a revised constitution in which we made commitments to protect the environment and engage in active risk management. As a result, the Board has produced an excellent Trip Leaders’ Guide and a Members’ Information Package which provide camping ethics to protect the environment and safety guidelines to protect members. Samples were available for anyone interested in seeing them. Margaret reported that the Club had an active, successful year with membership at around 300 and thanked all of the volunteers for their role in that success.
Ratification Motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the Club during their term of office which expires October 7, 2003.”
Proposed by Janice Ley, seconded by Don Harris. Carried
Appointment of Board of Directors
A slate of officers and other Board members was proposed in the report of the Nominating Committee. As there were no further nominations, either before the meeting or from the floor, those nominated in the report were declared appointed by acclamation.
The following were declared to be members of the Board of Directors for the coming year:
Commodore – Dukke van der Werf
Vice Commodore – Barry Irish
Secretary – Charles Hannan
Treasurer – Ed Jezak
Past Commodore (non-elected position) – Margaret Wild
Other Board Members – Carolyn Bonta-Johnson, Dugald Carmichael, David Ferguson, Jane Knibbs, Beth Orr.
The members of the Board will take up their duties immediately.
On a motion by Mike Fisher, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
The meeting was held in the Delahaye Room, Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Johnson Street, Kingston, with Commodore Dukke van der Werf in the chair. She called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. with 33 members in attendance, and a further six by proxy, for a total of 39.
Approval of Agenda
“That the agenda, as presented, be approved”
Moved by Debbie Twiddy. Seconded by Don Harris. CARRIED.
Minutes of last General Meeting
“That the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on October 7, 2003, be approved as published and as read”
Moved by Sharon Ferguson. Seconded by Ed Jezak.
Sharon enquired whether the Safety Guidelines are available on request. Dukke responded that they are contained in the Trip Leaders’ Guide which is handed out to trip leaders. Margaret Wild further explained that the Camping Ethics Guide is included in the Members Information Package that is mailed with the membership.
There being no further discussion, the motion was put to the vote.
Committee Reports
The following officers presented brief reports, as summarized below:
Treasurer — Ed Jezak
Courses and Clinics — Barry Irish
Recreational Tripping — Dugald Carmichael
Whitewater Program — Dugald Carmichael
Publicity — Margaret Wild
Volunteers — Beth Orr
Membership — Barry Irish
The Treasurer, Ed Jezak, presented his written financial report, and distributed copies to the meeting. He stated that Jeanette Woodman, as she has done in past years, agreed to review the Club’s financial records for the period April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004, and found all to be in order.
Ed moved acceptance of his report. Seconded by Harry Burgstaller.
For the current fiscal year to date (April 1, 2004 to October 6, 2004) revenues exceed expenditure by $6,310.09.The club’s assets now total $25,103.57.
Ed moved acceptance of the second part of his report. Seconded by Harry Burgstaller.
Barry Irish stated that although all courses and clinics were filled to capacity, all aspiring registrants were accommodated. He gave special thanks to volunteers for their efforts.
Dugald Carmichael expressed satisfaction that there is a good variety in scheduled events. Although whitewater paddling is not as active as formerly, mainly due to risk considerations, the trips that did take place on the Napanee, Salmon, Petawawa and Dumoine rivers were well attended and much enjoyed.
Margaret Wild reported that $500.00 to $600.00 has been spent on advertising this year. However, Open House is the most effective means of recruiting new members, though the website and the Hot Line are also important.
Beth Orr pointed out that the Club would be nowhere without the active participation of volunteers , not only for Club events, but also for community outreach programs such as The Boys and Girls Club, and the K-Town Tri.
Barry Irish informed the meeting that there are, at this date, 225 memberships and 345 individual members in the Club, the highest numbers ever.
Commodore’s Report
Dukke van der Werf enlarged on earlier remarks about the role of volunteers in making the Club a success. Trip leaders are especially valued, and their importance cannot be overstated.
Secondly, the Club made a significant connection with the Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough during the past year, including the purchase of a corporate membership at $250.00, plus a one-time donation of $500.00. A guided tour and round table exchange of views between our club and museum personnel, and which took place recently, was well attended.
Third, Dukke publicly thanked Kimberly Barker for the oil painting, by her own hand, which she donated to the Club recently. It is on display at the front of the room, and will be displayed on all suitable occasions. It remains in the Commodore’s keeping.
Ratification Motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the Club during their term of office which expires on October 6, 2004”
Moved by Gary Birrell. Seconded by Margaret Wild. CARRIED.
Appointment of Board of Directors
Dukke announced that Dave Ferguson has retired from the Board and thanked him for his work over the past two years. A new slate of officers and other board members was proposed in the report of the Nominating Committee. There were no further nominations. either before the meeting or from the floor.
“Moved that the nominees be declared appointed by acclamation”
Moved by Eleanor Beach. Seconded by Debbie Twiddy. CARRIED
Accordingly, the following are declared to be the members of the Board of Directors for the coming year:
Commodore — Dukke van der Werf
Vice Commodore — Barry Irish
Secretary — Charles Hannan
Treasurer — Ed Jezak
Past Commodore (non-elective position) — Margaret Wild
Other Board Members — Carolyn Bonta, Dugald Carmichael, Jane Knibbs, Beth Orr, Deryck Perault
The members of the Board will take up their duties immediately.
On a motion by Gary Birrell, the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
At the close of the meeting, Larry Showler of Frontenac Outfitters, assisted by his wife Chrissie, presented an illustrated account of their recent travels to Australia and New Zealand, and some of their kayak adventures in the latter country.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Monday, October 3, 2005
The meeting was held in the Delahaye Room, Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Johnson Street, Kingston, with Commodore Dukke van der Werf in the Chair. She called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. with 42 members in attendance, and a further eight by proxy, for a total of 50.
Approval of Agenda
“That the agenda, as presented, be approved”
Proposed by Ed Jezak, seconded by Don Harris. CARRIED.
Minutes of the Last General Meeting
After reading the minutes aloud to the assembly, the Secretary proposed
“That the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on October 6, 2004 be approved as published and read”
Seconded by Carolyn Bonta. CARRIED
Committee Reports
The officers named below presented brief reports, as summarized in the following paragraphs:
Treasurer – Ed Jezak
Recreational Tripping – Dugald Carmichael
Volunteers – Beth Orr
Treasurer Ed Jezak distributed copies of his financial report to the meeting and explained its contents line by line. He informed the meeting that Michael Johnson reviewed the Club’s financial records for the period April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005, and found all to be in order.
“That the first part of the Treasurer’s report be accepted”
Moved by Ed, seconded by Eunice Harris. CARRIED.
For the current fiscal year to date (April 1, 2005 to October 3, 2005) income exceeds expenditures by $7,422.87. Total assets at present amount to $30,583.30.
“That the second part of the Treasurer’s report be accepted”
Moved by Ed, seconded by Eunice Harris. CARRIED
Dugald Carmichael expressed satisfaction that there has been a very good variety in the club’s scheduled events this past year, including not only the usual canoeing, kayaking, hiking and skiing, but also rock climbing, orienteering and skating, as befitting the season. Most trips are repetitions, but there are a few new ones as well. He expressed particular satisfaction in that the entire length of the beautiful – and in sections, challenging – Salmon River has been paddled in separate scheduled trips this past season. The highlight of the season, however, was the scheduled canoe trip on the Dumoine River led by Peter Kopp, about which more later. He concluded by stressing the desirability of being constantly on the lookout for new and interesting venues.
Beth Orr opened her remarks by thanking the many members who volunteered their time for the many different club activities, including boat house duty, instructing or assisting in courses and clinics, helping at Open House and at the new members BBQ, putting out the Newsletter, to name the most prominent ones. As well, there are the community oriented programs, especially the summer paddling for the Boys and Girls Club, and the safety boat brigade for the K-Town Triathlon. Trip leaders deserve special mention as volunteers extraordinaire.
Commodore’s Report
“It is quite encouraging”, stated Dukke van der Werf, “that membership remains at the 300 level, and it is gratifying that many more new members than usual are active from the start. There have been large numbers of new members participating in scheduled outings, as well as in the course offerings. Instructional courses have been filled to capacity and have been well received. An innovation this year that extends our reach somewhat was the sea kayaking course. Having been quite successful it will be added to the club’s regular roster of course offerings. Special thanks are due to trip leaders and course instructors who are the backbone of the club’s existence. This year, three members of the Board of Directors are resigning, namely Barry Irish, Margaret Wild, and Beth Orr. We owe each of them our most sincere thanks for their many contributions over the past several years.”
Dukke concluded her remarks with this statement “This meeting marks the end of my term as Commodore, and I wish to thank all members of the Board of Directors for their support over the past two years.”
Ratification Motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the Club during their term of office which expires on October 3, 2005”.
Proposed by Gary Birrell, seconded by Ed Jezak. CARRIED
Appointment of New Board of Directors
Carolyn Bonta, as chair of the Nominating Committee, explained the procedures followed in selecting nominees from the general membership for election to the Board of Directors, as proposed in the Nominating Committee’s report. She invited other nominations from the floor for each Board position individually. As there were no further nominations, Carolyn moved
“That the nominees be declared appointed by acclamation.”
Seconded by Leslie Benecki. All in favour, none opposed. CARRIED
Accordingly, the following are declared to be members of the Board of Directors for the coming year (*new members):
Commodore – Ed Jezak
Vice Commodore – Carolyn Bonta
Secretary – Charles Hannan
Treasurer – Michael Johnson*
Past Commodore(non-elective position) – Dukke van der Werf
Other Board Members – Dugald Carmichael, Ralph Kennedy*. Jane Knibbs, Josephine Matyas*, Deryck Perault.
Carolyn Bonta proposed that the meeting adjourn. CARRIED (8:10 p.m.)
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Following a short interlude for refreshments, Dugald Carmichael presented a gripping and colourful slide show in which he recounted this summer’s CCC whitewater trip on the Dumoine River. With certain pictures, he took pains to point out some of the niceties of whitewater paddling tecniques, thereby adding much interest to the show. With certain other pictures he raised loud laughter without the need to utter a word. At the conclusion, Dugald received sustained applause in appreciation for a very entertaining evening.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Monday, October 19, 2006
The meeting was held in the auditorium of the Ongwanada Resource Centre, 191 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston, with Commodore Ed Jezak in the Chair. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m., with 44 members in attendance.
Approval of Agenda
“Moved that the agenda, as presented, be approved”
Proposed by Gary Birrell, seconded by Debbie Twiddy. CARRIED
Minutes of the Last General Meeting
“Moved that the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on October 3, 2005, as published and read aloud to the assembly, be approved.”
Proposed by Charlie Hannan. Seconded by Dukke van der Werf. CARRIED
The following paragraphs show six reports given by those responsible for various activities of the club.
Michael Johnson distributed copies of his financial report for the year ended March 31, 2006, and reviewed its details. In summary, revenues ($15,056.64) exceeded expenses ($10,042.66) for a net gain of $5,013.98. Total assets at March 31, 2006, amounted to $28,226.48.
Appended to the printed statement was the report of the independent audit conducted by Janice Ley, who found the records to be complete and accurate.
“Moved that the Treasurer’s report be accepted.”
Proposed by Michael. Seconded by Peter Kopp. CARRIED
Courses and Clinics
Carolyn Bonta reported that all usual events took place, with good attendance, with special mention of the canoe safety and kayak roll clinics held during the winter at the Artillery Park pool. Unfortunately, the sea kayak course introduced in 2005 was not given, and a new instructor is being sought for next season.
Carolyn Bonta enumerated the several different club activities where volunteers are essential, and expressed thanks on behalf of the club to the 35 individuals whom she identified as having played a role during the 2005-2006 season. As a gesture of appreciation, she organized a draw to pick a winner of a free club membership for 2006-2007. Calling on Derek Paul to draw a paper slip from the jar, she read out Peter Kopp’s name. Congratulations Peter!
Recreational Tripping
Dugald Carmichael noted that the scheduled events are highly varied in character, and still expanding, which is a good thing in that it keeps all members both interested and active. He emphasized, however, the need for new trip leaders, to help share the burden carried by the relatively small number of members who have carried the club in recent years. The Board of Directors is developing a training plan designed to address this matter.
Dukke van der Werf reported that numbers remain stable. At the end of September 2006, there are a total of 260 paid memberships, and a total of 316 individual members.
Commodore’s Report
Most of what Commodore Ed Jezak wished to say, he has already written in the last issue of the Newsletter. Otherwise, he informed the meeting that a potentially serious leak in the boathouse roof has been repaired at minimal cost (see Treasurer’s report). Secondly, the Saturday afternoon Paddling from the Boathouse has not been very successful this past summer; on some days there were no more than four or five people, on other days none at all. Hence the need for a re-evaluation. He expressed special thanks to those persons who make a major contribution to the club in important roles, but that get little attention, namely Newsletter Editor Sharon Ferguson, Boathouse Managers Dave Ferguson and Mark Hughes, and Telephone Listings Manager Judy Skeggs.
He also thanked all board members for their contributions, and especially Jane Knibbs, who is resigning this year, for her work over the past three years. Finally, he voiced the thought that there should be more interaction between the general membership and the Board of Directors, which is essential for the continuing vitality of the club.
Ratification Motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the Club during their term of office which expires on October 19, 2006.”
Proposed by Janice Ley, seconded by Beth Orr. CARRIED
Appointment of New Board of Directors
As chair of the Nominating Committee, Charlie Hannan described the procedure in electing the new board annually at the AGM, and proposed the list of selected nominees. In accordance with the By-Laws, other nominations were invited from the floor for each board position, individually.
“Moved that in the absence of further nominations, the nominees be declared appointed by acclamation.”
Proposed by Charlie. Seconded by Debbie Twiddy. CARRIED
Accordingly, the following are the members of the Board of Directors for the year 2006-2007:
Commodore – Ed Jezak
Vice Commodore – Carolyn Bonta
Secretary- Charles Hannan
Treasurer – Michael Johnson
Past Commodore (non-elective position) – Dukke van der Werf
Other Directors – Dugald Carmichael, Mike Fisher, Phil Jacobi*, Jo Matyas, Margaret Wild
*new member
Door Prize
A ceramic canoe crafted by Karen Twiddy Taylor, and donated by her sister Debbie Twiddy as a door prize, was won by Phil Jacobi. Luck of the draw, Phil!
At 7:50 p.m., Derek Paul moved adjournment, seconded by Cam Hodges. CARRIED
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Following a short break for refreshments, Dugald Carmichael and Carolyn Bonta presented, jointly, an illustrated talk on the Salmon River and its watershed. The well-received presentation covered the geology, biology, ecology, and hydrology of the Salmon River system, not forgetting the recreational use of this beautiful river for both flatwater and whitewater paddling. Dugald dwelt briefly on his participation in the work of the newly formed group “Friends of the Salmon River”. Copies of the group’s newly published book were available for sale after the meeting ended.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The meeting was held in the Auditorium of the Ongwanada Resource Centre, 191 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston. Vice-Commodore Carolyn Bonta (Chair) called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. with 36 members in attendance.
Approval of Agenda
“That the agenda, as presented, be approved.”
Moved by Margaret Kluensch, and seconded by John Telgmann. CARRIED.
Minutes of the Last General Meeting
“That the minutes of the meeting held on October 19, 2006 be approved, as published and read aloud to the assembly”
Moved by Charlie Hannan, and seconded by Maureen Beamish. CARRIED.
Committee Reports
Michael Johnson (Treasurer) reported that for the year ended March 31, 2007, revenues ($14,924.22) exceeded expenses ($8,126.69) by $6,797.53; and total assets amounted to $33,916.26. Appended to his printed statement was the report of an independent audit conducted by Peter Kopp, who found the records to be complete and accurate. There were no questions or comments. Mike moved acceptance of his report, seconded by Jane Knibbs.
Dukke van der Werf (Membership) reported that numbers are down slightly this year (286 individual members and 190 memberships), compared to last year (316 members and 260 memberships). Interestingly, the numbers show that the proportion of family memberships is substantially increased.
Debbie Radloff-Gabriel (Volunteers) expressed thanks to all volunteers for their efforts in making each of the various club activities so successful, and as a tangible show of appreciation she organized a draw to select a winner of a free club membership for 2008-2009. Calling on a member of the audience to make the draw, she read out Bob Clooney’s name. In addition, there were two separate draws for booklets of Tim Horton coupons, which were won by Margaret Wild and Dugald Carmichael. Congratulations, Bob, Margaret and Dugald!
Jo Matyas (Publicity) mentioned the Spring Leisure Show as the main event, with regular publication in both KTW and the Whig-Standard of scheduled trips.
Dugald Carmichael(Recreational Schedule) pointed out that there were six new trip leaders included in this year’s schedule, among a total of twenty-four who had led trips since the last AGM. This is a good improvement over last year’s schedule which relied rather heavily on veteran leaders. And – once again – the year was free of accidents. He also expressed thanks to those members who hosted scheduling parties in their homes.
Carolyn Bonta(Courses and Clinics) reported that the club offered the usual paddling sessions this year. The only significant change was that a certified canoe instructor, Barry Irish, was hired as chief instructor for the canoe courses, and these were given on weekends rather than evenings. The change in time went reasonably well, but the plan is to offer both evening and weekend courses next year.
Margaret Wild (Special Events) commented that Open House, which is intended mainly to attract new prospects, seems to draw more regular members and fewer prospects than formerly. Nevertheless, new members do come along later, though gradually.
Commodore’s Report
In Ed Jezak’s absence, his brief report was read to the assembly by Carolyn Bonta. In it, he referred to the fact that the boathouse roof is leaking again, and is being repaired again. He expressed thanks to all volunteers, in whatever capacity, for running the various club functions, and to the board members who kept it all on track. His closing line reads “Since this is my second year as Commodore, I am obliged to retire into the Past Commodore position. Good luck to the new Commodore!”
Ratification Motion
“Moved that the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the Club during their term of office which expires on September 26, 2007”
Proposed by Charlie Hannan, seconded by Dukke van der Werf. CARRIED.
Election of New Board of Directors
As chair of the Nominating Committee, Debbie Radloff-Gabriel announced that there are four resignations from the existing board, including both Secretary and Treasurer. Citing conflict of interest, Debbie requested that she be relieved of the task of conducting the election process. Thus, on Debbie’s behalf, Carolyn presented nominees for Commodore and Treasurer individually, inviting other nominations from the floor. There being no further nominations for these positions, nor for the positions of either Vice-Commodore or Secretary, Carolyn then presented a list of eight nominees for election by secret ballot for five Director positions. Votes were counted under the supervision of two scrutineers from outside the Board, Beth Orr and Christine Sweetnam. The results of the ballot showed that two nominees were tied for fifth place. To resolve the tie, and given that two vacancies remain on the Board of Directors, the Chair proposed the motion:
“That both persons tied for fifth place be declared elected”.
The motion was seconded by Rick Zamora. CARRIED.
Accordingly, the members of the Board of Directors for the year 2007-2008 as chosen by election are as follows:
Commodore – Carolyn Bonta
Vice-Commodore – (vacant)
Secretary – (vacant)
Treasurer – John Telgmann
Past-Commodore (non-elective position) – Ed Jezak
Other directors – Maureen Beamish, Dugald Carmichael, Peter Hodgson, Phil Jacobi, Debbie Radloff‑Gabriel, Jennifer Spencer.
The new Board of Directors takes office immediately. The primary task for the new Board will be to fill, by appointment, the two vacant positions on the executive.
Door Prize
A pair of tickets for entry to the permanent exhibit of the Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough was won by Jane Knibbs. Paddle on, Jane!
At 8:30 p.m., Kim Turner moved adjournment of the business meeting, seconded by Jane Knibbs. CARRIED.
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The eminent geographer, Professor Emeritus Brian Osborne, Queen’s University, presented an illustrated talk entitled The Rideau Canal: Past, Present and Future, which was both timely and topical, given the recent UN declaration of the Rideau Canal as a World Heritage Site on the 175th anniversary of its opening.
In dealing with the past, Prof. Osborne brought to light many details of its construction and operation that are not generally known. In dealing with the present and the future, he left much food for thought in regard to the broader implications of the “Heritage” designation, some of dubious communal benefit.
The sustained applause at the conclusion demonstrated the audience’s appreciation of Professor Osborne’s good-humoured, colourful, and insightful presentation.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The meeting was held in the Auditorium, Ongwanada Resource Centre, 191 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston. Commodore Carolyn Bonta called the meeting to order, with 42 members in attendance and 5 members represented by proxy. Two non-members were also present.
1. Review and approval of agenda
Ralph Parliament requested that “comments from the floor” be added after every committee report.
MOTION: “That the agenda, as amended, be approved.”
Proposed by Sharon Ferguson, seconded by Jennifer Spencer. CARRIED
2. Approval of the minutes of last Annual General Meeting
Rick Zamora presented the minutes of the last AGM in a slide presentation with a verbal summary. The text of the slides was copied verbatim from the minutes of the last AGM.
MOTION: “That the minutes of the meeting held on September 24 2007 be approved as presented to the assembly.”
Proposed by Rick Zamor, seconded by Peter Hodgson. CARRIED
3. Committee Reports
a. Treasurer (John Telgmann): For the year ended 31 March 2008, revenues have dropped to $10,366.46 due to a decrease in memberships. Total expenses were $9,833.37, leading to a surplus of $532.69. Expenses were consistent with those of the prior year with the exception of boathouse roof repairs. The Club held $18,343.78 in its bank account and $17,552.96 in term deposits. New equipment is now being capitalized. $20,000 of the Club equity was internally restricted for roof repairs and $8,000 was internally restricted for new equipment.
For the first six months of this fiscal year, membership revenues increased to $12,000 and operating expenses decreased. The membership was informally notified that a proposal might be brought forward prior to the next AGM to change the Club financial year-end.
Questions from the floor were brought forward regarding government grants to help with expenses but these are only available to charitable organizations. The Club is a not-for-profit organization not a charitable organization. This does not preclude members from bequeathing money or other items to the Club but this would not result in issuance of a receipt for charitable donation. Previous Boards had considered applying for a government grant but, at that time, this was felt to be difficult to justify given the large Club equity.
Peter Hodgson carried out a review of the Club financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2008 and found the records to be complete and accurate.
MOTION: “To accept financial statements as presented.”
Proposed by Maureen Beamish, seconded by Phil Jacobi. CARRIED
b. Membership (Jennifer Spencer): We now have 198 memberships (59 family and 139 single) for a total of 292 members. Updates to the online membership renewal form (a section regarding interest in participating as a Club volunteer and an option for members to receive electronic copies of the Club Newsletter) were highlighted. Carolyn Bonta added that a bulletin board has also been added to the “buy and sell” section of the Club website for individuals looking for companions for non-club sponsored events.
c. Volunteers (Debbie Radloff-Gabriel): Debbie thanked Ed Jezak for his assistance with this portfolio. 275 paddlers participated in the evening and weekend paddling from the boathouse program.
A draw was held in recognition of the Club volunteers:
David Ferguson won a free Club membership
Judy Skeggs won a $50 Trailhead gift certificate
Carolyn Bonta won a pair of trekking poles donated by Peak Experience
Sharon Ferguson won various items from A-1 Clothing.
d. Publicity (Margaret Wild): Margaret highlighted publicity initiatives including visibility with the Kingston City Leisure Magazine, City Community Directory, Kingston Whig Spring Activity Guide, Spring Leisure Showcase,
Kingston This Week, Profile Kingston, new Club brochure and posters, and most importantly word of mouth from our members.
e. Recreational Schedule (Dugald Carmichael): No report.
f. Instruction (Peter Hodgson): Peter thanked instructors Barry Irish and Gail Pringle. Enough interest in our instructional program has been shown to consider running a late summer canoe and/or kayak instructional program in addition to the ones currently held in early summer.
g. Special Events (Maureen Beamish): Maureen thanked all those who participated in this year’s Open House./p>
,p>Comments from the floor: David Ferguson noted that the lease agreement between the Club and the City has expired.
4. Commodore’s Report
It has been a busy year. Repairs to the boathouse roof are now complete and they appear to be effective. A new sea kayak and new tandem white water canoe were purchased. The brochures were updated and a new Club advertising poster and banner were produced. Carolyn thanked all volunteers and the retiring and returning members of the Board of Directors.
5. Ratification Motion
MOTION: “That the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the Club during their term of office which expires on October 2, 2008.”
Proposed by Carolyn Bonta, seconded by Dennis Burr. CARRIED
6. Appointment and Election of Board of Directors
Rick Zamora, Dugald Carmichael, and Debbie Radloff-Gabriel will be retiring from the Board.
Debbie Radloff-Gabriel presented nominees for Commodore, Treasurer, and Secretary individually and for the remaining positions on the Board inviting other nominations from the floor. No nominations were received for Vice-Commodore.
The members of the Board of Directors for the year 2008-2009 as chosen by election are as follows:
Commodore – Carolyn Bonta
Vice-Commodore – (vacant)
Secretary – Heather McGaw
Treasurer – John Telgmann
Past-Commodore (non-elected position) – Ed Jezak
Other directors:
Maureen Beamish
Peter Hodgson
Phil Jacobi
Jennifer Spencer
Debbie Twiddy
The new Board of Directors takes office immediately.
7. Door Prize
Guy Oram won a canoe paddle donated by Frontenac Outfitters.
8. Adjournment
Carolyn Bonta moved adjournment of the AGM, seconded by Rick Zamora. CARRIED.
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9. Postlude
Club member Linda Whitfield presented an illustrated talk: “Retrospect on Physical Activity by a Silver Medal Mom”.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The meeting was held in the Auditorium, Ongwanada Resource Centre, 191 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston. Commodore Carolyn Bonta called the meeting to order, with 32 members in attendance and 1 proxy. One non-member was also present.
1. Review and approval of agenda
Meeting agenda presented and copies distributed for review. Carolyn Bonta requested members to review agenda as presented.
Motion: “That meeting agenda be approved as presented.”
Moved : Phil Jacobi, Seconded: Debbie Twiddy. CARRIED.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the last General Meeting, 2 October 2008
Sue Lynch read the minutes from the last AGM.
Motion: “That the minutes of the last General meeting be approved as presented.”
Moved : Debbie Twiddy, Seconded John Telgmann. CARRIED.
3. Committee Reports
a. Treasurer and Financial Review (John Telgmann):
Three Financial statements were presented. (Copies were distributed to members.)
Reviewer Comments – review undertaken by Harry Burgstaller was attached to the statements and members were referred to it by John. No issues were raised.
Statement of Operations Operations for the year ended March 31, 2009
(with comparative figures for the year ended March 31, 2008); main notes, Membership revenue increased over the prior year Boathouse storage fees were comparable with prior years Course teaching fees decreased, less participation Club expenses increased – boathouse roof repair and advertising costs. John noted that the current club surplus funds are not enough for future major repairs and that the club should take action to increase income, noting that increasing membership fees may be an option to consider.
Statement of Financial Position Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2009
(with comparative figures as of March 31, 2008) Main note was that chequing account balance decreased due to roof repair costs; roughly $8000.00 in unrestricted equity. John asked if there were any questions regarding the statements and financial review presented. None received.
Motion: “To approve financial statements as presented.”
Moved : Dennis Burr, Seconded Peter Hodgson. CARRIED.
John Telgmann also made a recommendation that the membership consider moving future AGM’s to April/May so that a budget can be made and presented for the upcoming year. John indicated that by preparing a budget, the club would be pro-active in building a financial plan for future emergency funds. Following the financial review a discussion from the floor ensued. Comments were made regarding membership increase and regarding current boathouse ownership and lease agreements. Due to the interest of time, Carolyn Bonta requested a stay to the discussions indicating that she would add issue to Board Meeting agenda. Carolyn indicated that if any members had additional comments concerning the issue , they could forward them by email.
b. Membership (Debbie Twiddy): Current Membership is 186 memberships, (55 family, 131 single). In the past year new membership database was designed and newsletter emailing was initiated.
c. Volunteers (Sue Lynch): Thanked all volunteers for their participation throughout the year. Volunteers are a valuable asset to the club, and she expressed the hope that all club members will consider stepping forward to share the tasks.
d. Publicity and Special Events (Maureen Beamish): Thanked all members and volunteers for their help and assistance throughout the year.
e. Recreational Schedule (Jennifer Spencer): Past year activities included: Trips have been well received and scheduled every weekend Good variety of trip events, including canoe museum
Has incorporated trip co-leader training and hopes that this will continue to help increase the trip leader pool.
f. Instruction (Peter Hodgson) Past year activities included: 4 canoe/kayak skills clinics 25 people participated in clinics, with lots of positive feedback. Special thanks to Barry Irish, Gayle Pringle and Dennis Burr.
4. Commodore’s Report
Board Focus/Highlights include:
2nd year the board has been short members, no Vice Commodore
Trip Leader’s Resource Booklet being updated
Boathouse locks changed to include keypad entry
Allan Nichols has stepped down as Web-master, Ed Jezak has taken on task
Several board members retiring including, John Telgmann, Peter Hodgson,
Maureen Beamish, Jennifer Spencer.
Special thanks to all volunteers and to all board members.
5. Ratification Motion
Motion: “That the membership ratifies all the acts and decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the Club during their term of office which expires on October 27, 2009.”
Moved: Carolyn Bonta, Seconded Steve Manders . CARRIED.
6. Election of Board of Directors (Maureen Beamish)
Maureen presented nominees for Vice Commodore, Treasurer, and Secretary individually; two current members were standing for reelection, and she had three new candidates for members at large. She invited nominations from the floor. Mike Fisher nominated Ed Jezak for Commodore Steve Manders expressed interest in board membership, but since enough nominees, declined at this time, and stated that he would be available to board if additional help needed.
The members of the Board of Directors for the year 2009-2010 as chosen by acclamation are as follows:
Commodore – Ed Jezak
Vice Commodore – Mike Fisher
Secretary – Sue Lynch
Treasurer – Harry Burgstaller
Past Commodore (non elected position) – Carolyn Bonta
Other Board Members:
Phil Jacobi
Debbie Twiddy
Burr Burr
Jim Lorimer
Linda Whitfield
The new Board of Directors takes office immediately.
7. Door Prizes (Sue Lynch)
Sue Lynch asked all members present, if any objected to elimination of general door prizes and instead doing volunteer draw, to show appreciation to CCC volunteers. No objections received from floor. All volunteer names included in draw. Names drawn for Prizes:
Free 2009-2010 CCC Membership – Dukke Van der Werf
Eric Usherwood
Dugald Carmichael
Margaret Wild
Don Kells
8. Adjournment of Business Meeting
Sue Lynch moved to adjourn. Seconded John Telgmann. CARRIED.
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9. Postlude
Presentation by Terry Sprague: “Thoughts from the Pied Piper of Nature”.
Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston
Report of Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The meeting was held in the Auditorium, Ongwanada Resource Centre, 191 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston. Commodore Ed Jezak called the meeting to order, with 42 members in attendance.
1. Review and approval of agenda
Meeting agenda presented and copies distributed for review. Ed Jezak requested members to review the agenda as presented.
Motion: “That meeting agenda be approved as presented.”
Moved : Carolyn Bonta, Seconded: Barry Irish. CARRIED.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the last General Meeting, 27 October 2009
Sue Lynch read the minutes from the last AGM.
Motion: “That the minutes of the last General meeting be approved as presented.”
Moved : Barry Irish, Seconded: Harry Burgstaller. CARRIED.
3. Committee Reports
a) Treasurer and Financial Review (Harry Burgstaller)
Three Financial statements were presented. (Copies were distributed to members.) Harry walked members through the highlights of the reports.
Statement of Financial Position
(Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2010 (with comparative figures as of March 31, 2008, 2009) Harry extended a thank you to Phil Jacobi for helping to maximize boat storage rental revenue by providing increased boat storage slots and equipment lockers. This initiative has helped to prevent increases in membership fees.
Comparative Statement of Revenue and Expenses
for years ended March 31,2010, 2009, 2008.
Main notes; 90% of expenses due to:
Program Expenses – highest items include advertising, publicity.
Administration Expenses – newsletter costs decreased due to introduction of emailed newsletters.
Maintenance + Repairs – increase due to sewer backup and future tile replacement.
Budget Report
Harry informed members that there are some existing Term Deposits that will mature next year and that the Board has already approved that these be rolled over.
Reviewer Report – review undertaken by Janice Ley. No issues noted. Copy of Review distributed with Financial reports for member review. Harry thanked Janice for taking up the challenge. Harry opened up floor for questions. None received. Harry noted that Board has already approved the financial statements. No further motion required.
b) Recreational Schedule (Mike Fisher)
Schedule has been filled with a broad mix of activities. Trips have been well received and attended. Thanks extended to all the trip volunteers.
c) Membership (Debbie Twiddy)
Current Membership update.
Approximately the same total number as last year :186 members (44 families, 142 single).
76 are new members to the club.
Members reminded that if there are any issues with receiving the Newsletter, to forward email to the club email box.
d) Publicity(Linda Whitfield)
Current avenues of publicity include:
Kingston this Week – gone well.
Whig Standard – ok.
Have had to shorten trip descriptions for the newspaper ads but have included website address for people to get more information.
Fall Leisure Guide.
Attended Spring Leisure show but not the Fall show.
Note: EMC Newspaper not yet used , will consider for future.
Linda stated that she welcomes any publicity ideas that members may have.
e) Volunteers (Jim Lorimer)
Jim thanked all volunteers for their continued support and assistance with trip leading, boathouse duty, behind the scenes activities and Board work. Jim also extended a thank you to Joanne and Cam for their help with the evenings treats.
f) Commodore
Ed thanked all volunteers for their continued support throughout the year. A thank you was also extended to Stephanie, who assisted with the CCC website support. Ed noted that 3 Board members retiring this year: Phil Jacobi, Dennis Burr and Sue Lynch. Email was received from an individual willing to provide a Wilderness First Aid Course to club members if interested. Approximately 5-6 emails had been received inquiring about Rideau Canal trips, Ed directed the inquiries to Charles Hannah. Charles provided assistance to the group and they sent an email stating their appreciation and thank you for all the help provided. Ed passed on a suggestion that he was given re: organizing a non-motorized Poker Run boat event. Ed stated that if any member was interested in organizing such an event to let the Board know. Members were informed that a book by Albert Argenent was available for purchase from the club (print or CD version) at a cost of $25.00.
5. Ratification Motion
Motion: “That the membership ratifies all the acts and
decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the Club during their term of office which expires on October 12, 2010.”
Moved: Janice Ley, Seconded: Maureen Beamish. CARRIED.
5. Election of Board of Directors
Ed Jezak stated that 2 member’s names had been put forward for board nominations, Steve Manders and Mary Buchanan. Additional nominations were invited from the floor – no further names put forward leaving one Board position vacant. No election process required.
The acclaimed members of the Board of Directors for the year 2010-2011 are as follows:
Commodore – Ed Jezak
Vice Commodore – Mike Fisher
Secretary – vacant
Treasurer – Harry Burgstaller
Past Commodore (non elected position) – Carolyn Bonta
Other Board Members:
Debbie Twiddy
Linda Whitfield
Jim Lorimer
Steve Manders
Mary Buchanan
The new Board of Directors takes office immediately.
6. Adjournment of Business Meeting
Jim Lorimer moved to adjourn. Seconded Sue Lynch. CARRIED.
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Presentation by Dugald Carmichael: “Geological Snorkeling in Iceland and Paddling in new Zealand”.
Cataraqui Canoe Club
Cataraqui Canoe Club
Minutes AGM Oct. 10, 2011
The meeting was held in the Auditorium, Ongwanada Resource Centre, 191 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston. Commodore Ed Jezak called the meeting to order, with 27 members in attendance.
1. Review and approval of agenda Meeting agenda presented and copies distributed for review. Ed Jezak requested members to review agenda as presented. Motion: that meeting agenda be approved as presented Moved: Carolyn Bonta, Seconded: Rick McIvor. CARRIED.
2. Approval of the minutes of the last General meeting, 12 October 2010 Motion: That the minutes of the last General meeting be approved as presented. Moved: Patricia Wideman, Seconded: Carolyn Bonta. CARRIED.
3. Reports
a) Treasurer and Financial Review (Harry Burgstaller): Three financial statements presented (copies distributed for member review) Harry noted that financially speaking, it was a successful year for the club.
1. Statement of Financial Position (Balance sheet as of March 31, 2011 with comparative figures as of March 31, 2009 and 2010. Harry extended a thank you to Steve Manders for creating more storage space and thereby maximizing boat storage revenue.
2. Comparative statement of Revenue and Expenses for years ended March 31, 2011, 2010 and 2009. Sources of revenue stay the same. The expenses are fixed, only a few are controlled by the club. Advertisement decreased somewhat. The liability insurance remained the same. Newsletter costs decreased due to sending most of them via e-mail. There was not much money spent on maintenance and repairs. More will be needed as the washrooms need to be renovated.
3. Financial Report. Harry informed members that he has earmarked $5,000 for major repairs. Furthermore he announced he will not run as treasurer again. Reviewer Report: Review undertaken by Janice Ley. No issues noted. Copy of Review distributed with financial reports for members review. Harry thanked Janice for the review. Harry opened up floor for questions. None received. Motion: That the financial reports and review be approved as presented Moved: Harry Burgstaller, Seconded: Conrad de Barros. CARRIED.
b) Schedule (Mike Fisher): Schedule ran reasonably well. As a result of more restrictive measures for the trip leaders from Transport Canada, one trip leader quit and as a result some trips were cancelled. Thanks extended to all trip volunteers.
c) Membership (Debbie Twiddy): Presented by Linda Whitfield as Debbie sent regrets. Memberships are a bit lower this year: 168 members (37 families, 131 single).
d) Publicity (Linda Whitfield): Schedule of activities were sent to: Kingston This Week, Whig Standard and EMC. Announcements were placed in The Whig Standard and The Kingston This Week inviting the public to special events such as the Scott Cunningham presentation (late March), Annual General Meeting and the Steve Manders presentation of Sea Kayaking in Haida Gwaii and Johnstone Strait, BC. Large ads were put in the City of Kingston Recreation & Le Magazine both spring and fall edition. Also ads were placed in the Whig Standard’s Fall and Spring Activity Guide. Linda also advertised the Cataraqui Canoe Club on Cogeco. Linda informed the members that the Board has decided not to put the names of the trip leaders in the ads only their phone numbers. We direct the attention to our website where all the information is posted.
e) Volunteers (Jim Lorimer): Jim thanked all volunteers for their continued support and assistance with trip leading, boathouse duty, behind the scenes activities and Board work. Jim also extended a Thank You to Jan Smith for the refreshments this evening. Jim and Linda conducted a draw with prizes as a recognition for all volunteers.
f) Instruction (Mary Buchanan): Presented by Linda Whitfield as Mary sent regrets. Four different types of instruction were offered by the Club this year. Ed Jezak did an Introduction to Canoeing from the boathouse of 6 two-hour sessions. Twelve people took part. Gail Pringle offered a 3 hour Introduction to Kayaking on 3 different Saturdays. Seven people attended these workshops. Dennis Burr delivered a 3 hour Seakayaking Stroke Improvement Workshop at the boathouse. Four people participated. Carolyn Bonta offered a Canoe Clinic at Frontenac Park which took a full day. The clinic was attended by six people. Mary would like to thank these four instructors who so generously gave their time to offer these clinics and workshops to our members.
g) Boathouse (Steve Manders): We added 10 more storage spaces to produce more revenue for a new roof. Furthermore lights have been repaired and motion sensors put in. Steve is also creating a Map room in the hall way. Comment from the floor: The forklift Steve designed is brilliant.
h) Commodore (Ed Jezak): Ed thanked the Board members retiring this year: Carolyn Bonta and Harry Burgstaller. A thank you was also extended to Jan Smith for the refreshments and to Sharon Ferguson who is leaving her job which will be taken over by Jo-Anne Beckett. The Saturday boathouse attendance needs to be looked into whether or not we need to employ a manager. Various people asked for information regarding the Rideau Canal. Ed directed the inquiries to Charles Hannah and Jim Lorimer. We helped some people out like the Boys and Girls Club by inviting them to come out to the boathouse and paddle on the river 6 Wednesdays between 10 and 12 noon. Thank you for coming out tonight.
4. Ratification motion (Not required, but customary for this club.)
That the members ratify all the acts and decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the club during their term of office which expires on 10 October, 2012. Moved: Gonny Moncur, Seconded: Janice Ley. CARRIED.
5. Election of Board of Directors (Carolyn Bonta) Ed moves into past commodore position. Mike Fisher is nominated for commodore. Nominations were invited from the floor for the position of treasurer. No names were put forward, leaving one Board position vacant. Linda Whitfield nominates Jim Lorimer for the position of vice commodore. Jim accepts the position. No election process required. The acclaimed members of the Board of Directors for the year 2011-2012 are as follows:
Commodore – Mike Fisher
Vice Commodore – Jim Lorimer
Secretary – Gonny Moncur
Treasurer – vacant
Past Commodore (non elected position) – Ed Jezak
Other Board Members:
Debbie Twiddy
Steve Manders
Linda Whitfield
Harry Burgstaller
Mary Buchanan
The new Board of directors takes office immediately. The commodore Mike Fisher thanked Ed Jezak for all his input and work as commodore. Mike also thanked Carolyn Bonta for all the efforts she has put in over the past 9 years in various positions.
6. Adjournment of formal Meeting Carolyn Bonta moved to adjourn. Seconded Rick McIvor. CARRIED.
Postlude: Presentation by Steve Manders: Sea-kayaking in Haida Gwaii and Johnstone Strait, BC.
Cataraqui Canoe Club
Minutes AGM Oct. 17, 2012
The meeting was held in the Auditorium, Ongwanada Resource Centre, 191 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston. Commodore Mike Fisher called the meeting to order, with 27 members in attendance.
1. Review and approval of agenda Meeting agenda presented and copies distributed for review. Mike Fisher requested members to review agenda as presented. Motion: that meeting agenda be approved as presented Moved: Marilyn Freeman, Seconded: Ed Jezak. Approved.
2. Approval of the minutes of the last General meeting, 10 October 2011. Motion: That the minutes of the last General meeting be approved as presented. Moved: Steve Manders, Seconded: Harry Burgstaller. Approved.
3. Reports
a) Commodore (Mike Fisher):
Mike started to introduce all the members of the Board and their functions. He thanked each member for their time and input. He thanked the trip coordinators and Jo_Anne Becket for her work on the newsletter and the refreshments for the night. The new rules of Transport Canada posed somewhat threatening for the Club as is. Fortunately we were able to continue our activities as usual. There is a proposal to gain more publicity for the Club via Facebook. The discussion on that subject is still on-going. There was also a proposal to change the name of the Club, which seems to be a regular occurrence. This is an issue that has to be presented to all the members. The issue is put to rest for now.
b) Secretary (Gonny Moncur): Minutes are duly noted and approved. There is a copy of each set of minutes on line and the secretary keeps a hard copy which can be obtained by any member.
c) Treasurer (Ed Jezak):
Ed read the statement of revenue and expenses for the period of April 01, 2011 until March 31, 2012.
Reviewer report: Review undertaken by Janice Ley. Copy of the review distributed with the financial report for the members to peruse. Ed thanked Janice for the review. Ed then proceeded to read the treasurer’s report for the period from April 1 to October 16, 2012.
Motion: That the financial report and review be approved as presented.
Moved by Debbie Twiddy, seconded by Bob Tolley. Approved.
d) Publicity: No report as Linda Whitfield was not present.
e) Boathouse (Steve Manders):
Steve has put up various charts in the back hallway. There is now a pic-nick table to be used and enjoyed by all members. Marilyn thanked Steve for providing the forklift. There was a question from the floor as to who owns the water. The taps etc. are owned by the Rowing club.
What about boathouse security? That has not come up yet. We have not had a problem sofar. This issue will be addressed at the next Board meeting.
f) Volunteers (Jim Lorimer): Jim thanked all volunteers for their continued support and assistance with trip leading, boathouse duty, behind the scenes activities and Board work.
g) Instruction (Mary Buchanan): . In May and June of this year club volunteers offered introductory canoe and kayak clinics, open to members and non-members. A good number of new paddlers took part in these clinics. Gail Pringle provided 3 three hour Intro-to-Kayaking workshops on weekends.
Caroline Bonta did a full day Intro to canoeing on a Sunday in June at Frontenac Park. Ed Jezak offered an Intro to canoeing on weekday evenings, comprised of 5 two-hour sessions. Ed also kindly offered to do a full day clinic for a group of new paddlers in preparation for their paddle of the Rideau System.
Mary would like to thank these three instructors on behalf of the Board for so generously giving their time to instruct newcomers to paddling.
h) Memberships (Debbie Twiddy):
There are currently 158 memberships. 108 single and 50 family memberships. There are fifty eight new members. We have a fairly stable membership community which shows a slight decline. We don’t seem to be able to consistently attract families. Perhaps our trips seem too difficult and parents with younger children are intimidated, especially when they are novices themselves.
We sent an email in late spring to non-renewing members to see if there were shortcomings in the CCC that we could correct. Most of the responses indicated that non-renewing members had either moved away or had gone on to other activities and there were no significant complaints about the club.
4. Ratification motion (Not required, but customary for this club.)
That the members ratify all the acts and decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Cataraqui Canoe Club of Kingston on behalf of the club during their term of office which expires on 17 October, 2013. Moved: Gonny Moncur, Seconded: Mary Buchanan. CARRIED.
5. Election of Board of Directors (Ed Jezak) Mike remains as commodore. Ed has taken on the treasurer position. Beth Orr volunteers to join the Board as a member. No election process required.
6. The acclaimed members of the Board of Directors for the year 2012-2013 are as follows: Executive: Commodore – Mike Fisher Vice Commodore – Jim Lorimer Secretary – Gonny Moncur Treasurer – Ed Jezak Past Commodore (non-elected position) – Ed Jezak Other Board Members: Debbie Twiddy Steve Manders Linda Whitfield Harry Burgstaller Mary Buchanan Beth Orr The new Board of directors takes office immediately.
7. Adjournment of formal Meeting Mary Buchanan moved to adjourn. Seconded Dukke van der Werf. CARRIED.
Cataraqui Canoe Club
Minutes AGM Oct. 24, 2013
The meeting was held in the Auditorium, Ongwanada Resource Centre, 191 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston. Commodore Mike Fisher called the meeting to order, with 42 members in attendance.
1. Review and approval of agenda Meeting agenda presented and copies distributed for review. Mike Fisher requested members to review agenda as presented. Motion: that meeting agenda be approved as presented Moved: Debbie Twiddy, Seconded: Janice Ley. Approved.
2. Approval of the minutes of the last General meeting, 10 October 2011. Motion: That the minutes of the last General meeting be approved as presented. Moved: Mark Whideman, Seconded: Don Smithies. Approved.
3. Reports
a) Commodore (Mike Fisher):
Mike thanked each member for their time and input. He remarked that the club is moving satisfactory thanks to the experienced Board members. Ed has held most positions on the Board at one time or another. Gonny keeps recording and distributing the minutes. Beth is back on the Board with lots of experience. Debbie, also experienced, keeps records of the memberships. Linda has been on the Board for quite some time and keeps us on our toes regarding safety issues and insurance. She looks after the advertisements. Mary is a quiet listener but when she speaks up we pay attention as to what she is saying as she is usually right. Jim is very active on our Board as well as on other Boards. Steve did wonders with the boat house. Harry is an expert on financial issues. Mike thanked all the Board members for their time, expertise and input. That has made his job as Commodore very easy this past year.
b) Secretary (Gonny Moncur): Minutes are duly noted and approved. There is a copy of each set of minutes on line and the secretary keeps a hard copy which can be obtained by any member.
c) Treasurer (Ed Jezak):
Ed read the statement of revenue and expenses for the period of April 01, 2012 until March 31, 2013.
Reviewer report: Review undertaken by Harry Burgstaller. Copy of the review distributed with the financial report for the members to peruse. Ed thanked Harry for the review. Ed then proceeded to read the treasurer’s report for the period from April 1 to October 23, 2013.
There was a question from the floor: Is the club a charity. Answer: No.
Motion: That the financial report and review be approved as presented.
Moved by Debbie Twiddy, seconded by John Stevens. Approved.
d) Publicity (Linda Whitfield):
Current avenues of publicity include:
– Kingston This Week – gone well
– Whig Standard – OK and more consistent – try to get it there and hope it goes in a Friday paper for a Saturday event, so the readers have a heads up for the day
– EMC – What’s Happening – we get good coverage and maximum number of words.
Have had to shorten trip descriptions for the newspaper ads but have included website address for people to get more information. Only the phone numbers of the Trip Coordinators appear in the ads. If there is an open potluck it is described. If the numbers are limited due to space, then it is left to the Trip Coordinator to let the person who is asking for information about the trip know about the potluck and the limited numbers.
Larger ads are placed in the Fall and Spring Leisure Guide and in the Spring Activity section of the Whig, where a 250 word description of club activities can be placed, along with a club action picture. There is a club booth at the Spring Leisure show but not the Fall show. For events such as AGM speakers and Open Houses several posters are placed about town. Publicity ideas that members may have are always welcome.
e) Boathouse (Steve Manders):
We have created 12 more spaces by moving things around and cleaning out the junk.
Security cameras are installed. The motion detectors have night vision. The equipment is working well. Steve is in contact with the Rowing club regarding the water bill. An automated door opener will be installed shortly.
f) Volunteers (Jim Lorimer):
There were volunteers for all the 32 days the boat house was open during the summer. Thanks to all of you who helped out.
g) Instruction (Mary Buchanan): . This year the club offered 3 one-day Intro to Kayaking clinics. These were given by Gail Pringle, one of our members. Thanks to Gail for giving these workshops for several years. At our Open House we surveyed the membership regarding Canoe paddling instruction. There was insufficient need expressed to offer clinics this year. The few individuals who contacted Mary were advised to take the 1 day clinic given by Carolyn Bonta, one of our members, at Frontenac Park. Some people took advantage of that opportunity. We will continue to survey the members next year and offer clinics based on interest and volunteers available.
h) Memberships (Debbie Twiddy):
There are currently 152 memberships. 108 single and 44 family memberships. There are thirty nine new members. We have a fairly stable membership community which shows a slight decline. We don’t seem to be able to consistently attract families. Perhaps our trips seem too difficult and parents with younger children are intimidated, especially when they are novices themselves.
i) Schedule (Beth Orr):
The club was involved in several community activities: a walk-a-thon fundraiser for Rock Dundar, The Loughborough Poker Run, also a fundraiser and we participated in the Kingston Shoreline Awareness activities.
7. New Business:
The pollution under the floor of the boat house: The city dug a moat around the boat house and put a substance in it which absorbed the poison. The work is done and all is well.
8. The acclaimed members of the Board of Directors for the year 2013-2014 are as follows:
Commodore – Steve Manders
Vice Commodore – Jim Lorimer
Secretary – Gonny Moncur
Treasurer – Ed Jezak
Past Commodore (non-elected position) – Mike Fisher
Other Board Members:
Debbie Twiddy
Linda Whitfield
Harry Burgstaller
Mary Buchanan
Beth Orr
The new Board of directors takes office immediately.
9. Adjournment of formal Meeting John Tegmann moved to adjourn. Seconded Linda Whitfield. CARRIED.
Cataraqui Canoe Club
Minutes AGM Oct. 16th 2014
The meeting was held at the Auditorium, Ongwanada Resource Centre, 191 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston. Commodore Steve Manders called the meeting to order, with 41 members in attendance.
1. Review and approval of agenda
Meeting agenda presented by Steve.
Motion: That meeting agenda be approved as presented.
Moved: Ed Jezak, Seconded: Mary Buchanan. Approved.
2. Approval of the minutes of the last General Meeting, 24th October 2013.
Motion: That the minutes of the last General Meeting be approved as presented.
Moved: Debbie Twiddy, Seconded: Linda Whitfield. Approved.
3. Reports:
a) Commodore (Steve Manders):
Steve welcomed the members. He continued to review the year’s activities. Overall the participation on the trips was good. Steve was able to renew the boathouse license with the City of Kingston for another 20 years for $1 per year.
The Club is insured through ORCA and all our volunteers and trip coordinators are protected. Steve has assembled records and other key documents in an archive binder.
b) Treasurer (Ed Jezak):
Ed read the statement of revenue and expenses for the period of April 01, 2013 until March 31, 2014.
Reviewer report: Review undertaken by Harry Burgstaller. Copy of the review distributed with the financial report for the members to peruse. Ed thanked Harry for the review then proceeded to read the treasurer’s report for the period from April 1 to October 23rd, 2014.
Motion: That the financial report and review be approved as presented.
Moved: Janice Ley, Seconded: Dugald Carmichael. Approved.
c) Schedule (Beth Orr):
A lot of trips were led by the same trip leaders. Beth made a plea for new members to come to the scheduling parties. She mentioned that the number of kayakers is growing and the number of canoeist is declining. Beth thanked all the trip coordinators for their input.
d) Publicity (Linda Whitfield):
Current avenues of publicity include:
Kingston This Week
The Whig Standard
EMC – What’s Happening.
The trip descriptions need to be short and concise. All the ads. Include our website address. Only the phone numbers of the trip coordinators appear in the ads. If there is a pot luck it is described. It is left to the trip coordinator to let the person who is inquiring know if there is a limit to the number of participants.
Larger ads. Are placed in the Fall and Spring Leisure Guide and in the Spring Activity section of the Whig, where a 250 word description of club activities can be placed, along with a club action picture. There is a club booth at the Spring Leisure show. Rick revelle informed the audience that there is an opportunity for free ads. With “Life at Five” presented by CKWS from 5 to 6pm on week days. It is a community forum and he invites the Club to contact him at the beginning of the Canoe season (April/May). It is observed that times are changing. To reach the younger population is would be a good idea to put the Club on Facebook.
Question from the floor: Does the trip coordinator provide a sweep? Steve agrees that we need a strong paddler to be the sweep on every trip.
e) Boathouse (Steve Manders):
An automatic door opener is installed. It is working really well.
Security cameras are working 24/7. Two aluminum boats have been sold to Queen’s Elbow Lake.
A new boat was added to our fleet.
f) Volunteers (Jim Lorrimer):
Jim thanked all the volunteers. He mentioned that we open the boat house at the beginning of May until the end of October. There are a lot of nights to cover. Sam Cheng will take over Jim’s task as a volunteer coordinator and Jim hopes that club members will continue to volunteer.
g) Instruction (Mary Buchanan):
This year the club offered 3 one-day intro. To kayaking clinics. These were given be Gail Pringle in May and June. The clinics were very successful with 17 participants of which 11 were members. Six individuals participated in the follow-up on the water sessions given by Mary at the boat house location. Ed Jezak and Mike Fisher held an intro. To canoeing. Thirteen had signed up of which 2 attended. Mary thanked Gail, Ed and Mike for their efforts. The Club will be offering courses by certified instructors next year.
h) Membership (Debbie Twiddy):
There are currently 170 memberships, up from 152. There are 131 single, up from 108, and 39 family memberships. There are sixty eight new members, up from 39. Could the increase be due to boat Storage?
4. Motion to amend the by-law:
Steve presents the motion:
“That by-law 5.3 ‘Each member shall be notified in writing of the time, place, and agenda of a General Meeting at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.’ Shall be changed to ‘Each member shall be notified of the time, place and agenda of a General Meeting at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.
Motion: Debbie Twiddy, Seconded: Gary Birrell. Approved.
5. Election of Officers and Board Members:
The acclaimed members of the Board of Directors for the year 2013-2014 are as follows:
Commodore – Steve Manders
Vice Commodore – (No nominations)
Secretary – Gonny Moncur.
Treasurer – Ed Jezak.
Past Commodore ( non-elected position ) Mike Fisher.
Board Members:
Debbie Twiddy,
Linda Whitfield,
Mary Buchanan,
Sam Cheng,
Harry Burgstaller,
Richard St.Onge.
Retirees from the Board: Beth Orr and Jim Lorrimer.
6. Adjournment of Meeting:
Move to adjourn: Ed Jezak, Seconded: Dave Linton. Approved.
Minutes: AGM, October 15, 2020
Available in PDF format (34 kb)